
名称:身体図景 / B0dys (ape
材料:人工智能(生成对抗网络)、定制程序、定制亚克力景片模组、 LED 灯光管模组、 灯光控制器
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)、 Custom program、Acrylic Modules、LED light tubes
人工智能学习数万张具体的身体图像之后得出一个具有生成抽象身体形态的网络模型, 这个网络模型将类似的数据点在空间中。通过在模型的潜藏空间中漫游才能生成变化且连续的图像。呈现出来的切片化的形态是一种“身体的数字雕塑”,也是网络路径的固定。
我得到的展示空间在一个走廊种,于是我想到了运动的概念,本身机器学习生成的图像是一个网络,生成图像的过程就是在latent space中“行走”,我将这个在网络中的行走路径固定下来,把“行走”交给观众的移动,观众在走廊中的‘动’形成观看内容的变化。
< B0dys (ape > is a digital sculpture of few sets of abstract body atlas generated by artificial intelligence in a linear sequence. The work is presented using methods such as programmed lights and etc. trying to reconstruct those AI images to be presented in a non-linearity way.
It is about the conversion between linear/non-linear and dynamic/static.
Artificial intelligence obtains a network of generated abstract body shapes by learning tens of thousands images of human bodies. This latent space is a representation of compressed data in which similar data points are closer together in space. By roaming in this latent space innumerable changing and continuous images can be generated. Those sliced acrylic modules of < B0dys (ape > is a kind of “digital sculpture of the body" and also a specimen of the latent space.
The program-controlled lighting is set in a non-linear changing way, trying to break the way of linear continuous viewing and the audiences, movements have influence on the contents as well.
名称:身体図景 / B0dys (ape
材料:人工智能(生成对抗网络)、定制程序、定制亚克力景片模组、 LED 灯光管模组、 灯光控制器
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)、 Custom program、Acrylic Modules、LED light tubes
2021.09.30 云美术馆
